
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Making Little Hoot with Creative Paperclay

Hi everyone!  I am late getting the blog up today as it will not accept a video as long as mine.  Therefore I have taken it to my You Tube Channel and I am leaving the link here for you to follow and watch the tutorial:

Thank you so much for your patience!

My Best Always,


Friday, October 25, 2019

Create a Ring holder with Creative Paperclay

Hello everyone! My name is Cinnamon Willis and I am going to show you how I created this sculpture. With Election Day coming up, I was inspired to create this hand with the fingers shaped in a "V" to inspire all who are capable to go out and vote! This sculpture also doubles as a ring holder, you can create this with all five fingers extended to have a full hand of ring holders if you would prefer.


  • Creative Paperclay®
  • E6000 Glue
  • Wire to build an armature with, can be aluminum
  • Pliers
  • Acrylic paint
  • Sanding paper
  • Drill
  • Wooden base
  • Dowel

To begin, take the wire and bend it into the shape of a hand. Do this step with pliers so that it would be easier.

Cover the armature with masking tape and newspaper to bulk it up. If you plan to have any fingers bent, cover them with tape in newspaper and leave the knuckle exposed so that you can manipulate the fingers to get underneath them to sculpt later.

Begin to add the clay onto your hand, leave knuckles exposed if you plan to bend the fingers and pose them afterwards. It will be easier to work on shaping and sanding them last after you are done working on the rest of the hand. When you have worked out the overall shape of the hand, proceed to go back to bend the fingers in place to work on the knuckles. Wrap the wire with masking tape and then cover with clay.

When the piece is dry, sand if you would like a smooth finish and paint with acrylics.

Take the base that you plan on using for the piece and drill a hole in it that would be roughly the same size as the dowel that you plan on using. Take the same drill bit and use it on the base of your sculpture.

Paint the base with your choice of paint before attaching it to the sculpture. When it dries, take your E6000 glue and attach the rod to the base. Sit the base out for 24 hours and allow to dry.

Attach the base to the sculpture with the E6000 glue and allow it to dry.

Take a photo and remember to go out and vote!

Thank you all once again for stopping by, and I hope that you enjoyed today's tutorial! You can find Creative Paperclay® at the following retailers Creative Paperclay® Online Store, Michael'sAmazon, Joann's.

See more of my work at and be sure to catch updates on my Instagram page

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Scarecrow ornament on a stick

Supplies Needed:

Creative Paperclay
rolling utensil
piece of cotton fabric for texturing
craft glue
2" Styrofoam ball
paper drinking straw
1 piece of floral wire
1 decorative paper napkin
string for hanger and hat
black permanent pen
orange permanent marker
pink  permanent marker
gauze type fabric or raffia 
makeup sponge

ArtDeco products for painting

Asphaltum paint
blue for neck
Antique White
Crackle Glaze
Antiquing cream in black and raw umber

To begin with roll out paperclay 
You want a circle sort of shape and it should bee about 1/8" thick

next lay out piece of fabric

lay clay circle on fabric and roll over it again
this give you a fabric texture

Put glue on top of Styrofoam ball

Lay paperclay on ball with texture on the outside

gently wrap around ball

Notice you sort of have gather spots at the bottom
this is a good thing

Push straw into bottom of ornament

roll out a piece of clay about 2" x 8"

add to the bottom of the head...sort of gathering it with your fingers

roll out a snake

Make a snake fold in half

twist to make rope for the neck

attach rope with glue

make small ball press on rope and mark with X this makes it look like a knot

Mark stitching up center of face

floral wire

wrap around a pencil 

clip ends of wire to make a hanger for ornament

press into top of head dab of glue

Gesso head 
let dry

Paint entire piece Asphaltum

Let Dry

Using makeup sponge 
sponge antique white on to entire piece

when it dries...use permanent maker and make two circles
for cheeks and a triangle nose
outline with permanent black pen
let dry....

Coat entire piece using crackle glaze
let dry and you will see cracks appear
(I usually wait for several hours)

Paint entire piece with antiquing cream
let dry...using a damp cloth wipe off excess
leaving in cracks 

Making Hat

cut two circles from your napkin

remove the back layer of napkin off

paint decou-page on backs of both circles

sandwich together 

arrange on head let will remove after dry

once hat is dry sponge black antiquing cream on edges of hat to cover up 
any white areas

I used a gauze type fabric for hair but raffia works great too

glue hair in place

glue hat in place and run needle thru the hanger which is under hat
pull thread and tie a hanger

Glue gauze or raffia under the head around the straw

Hope you enjoy making him....Happy Fall