
Friday, September 2, 2011

Steampunk Paperclay Frame

Hello all, my name is Terri Sproul and I have the honor of being the Team leader for the Creative Paperclay! Design Team. I have been working with a wonderful group on bloggers. Today I bring you a Mixed Media project using lots of exciting products.

Stamps: Alot from Plate #1273 - just purchase the whole plate - can't beat the price.
Steampunk Gothic #16022, Steampunk Heart large #16020, Steampunk Head Large #16009, Steampunk Background/collage
Creative Paperclay
Mica Powders: Gold, Copper, Silver, Bronze and Red
Simple Solutions #2 for Mica Powders
Misc - keys, clock face, gears
Clay cutter - Square and Rectangle - got mine at Michaels Craft store
Wing embellishments
Wood Frame - got mine at Michaels store
Acrylic Paint - color of choose
Paint brushes
Rolling Pin for Paperclay - I use a PVC pipe

1) Roll out paperclay to about 1/4" thick. Start pressing Stamps into clay. cut out image using square and rectangle cutter. cut about 30'sh of these. Set aside to dry.
2) Roll out more paperclay and add some gears, keys clock faces into the clay and cut around them. Set aside to dry.
HINT: you can add more detail to the clay while it still wet, like the lines I added around some of the edges. I also stamp Steampunk Heart onto the clay and cut around the image with a butter knife.
3) When clay is dry.. I added some Mica (color of choose) into the Simple Solutions #2
mixed well and started to paint each of my piece.
4) after all the piece are painted I adhere my paperclay piece down to the wood frame with Elmer's Glue-All.

I hope you like my project, I so do... smiles, I still need to place a photo in the center - I think I am waiting for Halloween this year - I'm going Steampunk!
Terri Sproul - I hope you follow my blog.


  1. At Michaels and HLobby today, I noticed that the paperclay comes in 8 oz. packages...I could have sworn it was a pound all this feels like SUCH a lighter package!! and costs $6! good thing to use the 40% off coupons for!!! great frame you made here!!

  2. This has got to be a steampunk masterpiece Terri! What a cool frame.

    Hugs XX

  3. And now I gotta go to Michael's and buy all the supplies I need to make this awesome frame! Must print coupon now! Lol!
