
Monday, February 13, 2012

Dangling Dolly Postcards made with DelightTM

By Sandra Strait (aka molossus)

When I heard that the Creative Paperclay® design team would be working with art molds from Articus Studio, I was thrilled.  I chose the Dollie Dangles Flexible Art Mold.

I had several ideas of what to do with my Dollie Dangles mold, but then I came across the International Mixed Media Postcard Swap.  And the mold was cast, lol!  The swap requires 10 Postcards, which seems a lot, but I knew I could do up all 10 quickly and easily using my Articus mold.  The most time required would be the drying time for the Delight, and in folding the Origami outfits I had in mind.

I decided to use  Delight, another Creative Paperclay® product, because it dries to an extremely light weight. I won’t be able to send these as postcards, because they’ll be too bulky and I wanted to keep postage costs down

1 oz. Delight 
10 Postcards (not shown)
10 Pompoms for Hair
20 sheets of Origami Paper for Outfits
White Glue
Ceramcoat paints-Black, Antique White, Raspberry, and Bright Citrus
Byzantia Paints-Seraphym, Illuminata and Cardinale
Small paint brush
Even smaller brush tip for painting eyes
A toothpick or two

The Dolly Dangles mold comes with an instruction sheet that tells you the approximate amounts of clay product that you will need.

Molding the Pieces
Before pressing the Delight into the mold shapes, I rolled it into a smooth ball to avoid creases in the finished piece.  To even the pieces, I rolled a toothpick across the top to flatten it out, then used the toothpick tip to cut away excess, and smooth the edges.

After the  Delight dried, it was easy to flex the mold so each piece would pop loose, and I could just pick it out.

The Outfits

While the  Delight was drying, I folded Origami outfits for my Dangle Dollies.  I sort of made up my own patterns based on basic Kimono and dress folds that I learned long ago.  You can find a similar Kimono pattern at Make a Kimono Girl, and a similar dress pattern at The Origami Club.

Painting The Dollies
To get flesh color paint, I mixed a little Antique White, Raspberry, and Bright Citrus paints, and painted the faces, hands, legs and feet.

The eyes were outlined in black, and a touch of raspberry added a blush for the lips and cheeks.

I used the jewel toned Byzantia paints on the eyes, boots, thongs, fingernails and toenails.

The next step was to pick which Origami outfits went best with the colors on each postcard.  The postcards I picked up for this project had some awesome artwork, and I wanted to complement the colors as much as possible.

The last step before gluing everything together was to cut out bits of the pompoms so they would fit the heads.  I had a little trouble trimming them flat enough because they wanted to  fall apart if I cut very much. My faces were pushed out a bit, which made it difficult to photo the postcards.

I was able to whip all 10 post cards out in three days, with only a few hours work on my part. 

Please visit  Articus Studio for a full range of crafting supplies as well as the wonderful mold I used for this product.    

You can find  Delight at the Creative Paperclay® website


  1. These make me SMILE!!!! What a wonderful job. I think this is my favorite paperclay item I have seen so far! What a wonderful job. Thanks for sharing!
    I love all the outfits!

  2. Very Cool! What a neat idea! Tfs!

  3. These really are absolutely wonderful! I think they're all so cute and happy.

    Hugs XX

  4. These are toooooo Darn cute... love then on the postcards!!!!

  5. I received one of the cards, the last one, and I just love it. Nice to find out here how the card was made
