
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Annya The Bottle Babe

My most recent project is an art doll and that is what I want to share with you today. I love this doll so much that I have decided to create a series of these dolls for an art show I will take part in this coming May.

Her name is Annya and she is a Bottle Babe. I call her a Bottle Babe because the base of her body is made from a recycled jar! :D

You can watch the full video tutorial below.

I made a wire and aluminum foil armature for her torso and head and covered it with Creative Paperclay®. I then glued the torso onto a recycled jelly jar and added more Creative Paperclay to form the rest of her body.
I sculpted her face and painted her with a mix of artist grade acrylic paints and acrylic craft paints. Next I cut the sleeve from an old shirt and tailored it with a few simple stitches to form her skirt. Then I gave her an aged look by painting her with a wash of fluid acrylics and water and blotting some of it away.

I printed out my text and gave it some color with Distress Inks, then added the text to her dress with matte medium. The quote says “Love is like a garden, tend it and it will grow.”
Lastly I painted a heart shaped paper mache basket with acrylic craft paint, and then splattered it with a lighter color of paint to give it some texture. I glued some silk flowers into the basket and hung it on her arm.

I think she is completely charming and I already have a row of bottles wash, dried and ready to be turned into Bottle Babes :D

You can see more of my work on my blog.


  1. Thank you sooooo much!! I loved everything from the dolly to the way you did the video!! Whimsical!!

  2. Do you know how long I have wanted to try paper clay....well for a very very long time...and now after watching your video I am so inspired.Thank you!!
    Warm regards,Cat
