
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Edie's June Tip

Here is quick tip to keep in mind when working with Creative Paperclay® air dry modeling material... Creative Paperclay® and Delite® are both air dry clay and will generally dry with in 24 hours, depending on thickness. If you need to speed up the drying time for either, you can put them in an oven on 250 degrees. I lay mine on wax paper to keep it from getting any groves from the racks. Something to keep in mind - Delight® will PUFF UP like a marshmallow when placed in the oven, but Creative Paperclay will not puff. I made this mushroom by rolling out Delight® clay then stamping the mushroom image into it then cut around the image with an Xacto. I placed it in the oven and let the clay puff up, dry completely, then painted it with acrylic paints.



  1. Cool to know about the Delight clay! Now I'm gonna be all distracted thinking how I can use that aspect of it. :~)

  2. Oh now I did not know that it puffed in the oven... Cool tip!
