
Friday, January 4, 2013

Vintage Frame Repair

Hello!! Rachel Whetzel here!! Today, I'm going to show you how I repaired a vintage picture frame using  Creative Paperclay® modeling material.
As you can see, the molding on the corner of the frame was broken out. As I was getting this together, I almost felt like this might be TOO simple for a post here, but I'm so happy with how it came out! Plus, I want to show you how it truly IS so easy anyone can do it!!
To start off, I pulled any loose pieces out of the frame corner.
 Second, I created a mold from one of the un damaged corners of my frame using Amazing Mold Putty.
Once your mold is set, press your clay into the corner needing repair.
 Then VERY firmly, press your mold into the clay. I found that clay with no water added to it was easy to press and pull the mold off of to check. I pressed several times until I had the mold impression deep enough to blend with the surrounding area.
I used my fingers to blend the edges further, and then let the clay dry. Once the clay is dry, I painted the corner in brown.
When the brown was dry, I painted white VERY lightly over that.
All of the corners of the frame are slightly cracked up the center, so to imitate that cracked look, I used some black paint painted into the crack, and then used a damp paper towel to wipe that off. The water on the towel also removed some of the white paint, exposing the brown beneath, and imitating the worn look of the rest of the frame.
There you have it!! If you create something inspired by my project, please leave a comment with a link here, so I can come and visit to see! I would love for you to visit me at my "house" too!! Thank you so much for reading!!

1 comment:

  1. This is really a simple idea but one I didnt know until just this moment. So thanks for taking the time out to share it.
