
Sunday, December 8, 2013

My Secret Weapon - Rubber Scrubbers for Sanding - LeeAnn's Tip #2

Hi Everyone!

I am back with another tip for you.  I have been crafting and sculpting pretty much all of my life.  In my early 20's, I started making porcelain dolls and was introduced to rubber scrubbers.  Rubber scrubbers are these great little sanders with grit on one side and sponge on the other.

What's so great about them is that they bend and conform to whatever you are sanding on.  This is my secret weapon to sanding. I have used these for over 25 years now.  For those of you who use sandpaper, please give these a try.  They will truly change your life!  Seriously!  Sandpaper can be rough, stiff and non-pliable.  These fantastic little sponges are truly bliss.  They are all you need - no other tools required!

They can be found on Ebay  (look for rubber scubbers) or at under the Supplies tab and are relatively cheap.   I love that they last a long time and you can wash them out!  They are made for fine art.  You can use them on porcelain, wood, and yes, our wonderful Creative Paperclay®.  The size is 3x3 (and sometime 3x4).  They come in two different grits -- 100 and 200.  For my paperclay projects, I start off by using the 100 grit and then finish off with the 200.

Here I am sanding over my craft board over a tub of water.  Most of the time, I sand outside because I love the fresh air and Lord knows I am sun deprived.  However, if it's cold outside and you need to sand inside, sand over water.  In my early doll making days, I learned this technique.  Water attracts dust.  You will cut down tremendously on sanding debris by sanding over water.  Soon your bowl will be full of dust particles and not all over your counter.  :)

Here I am sanding outside, you can see how the rubber scrubber just bends to the tiniest shape.  It really is perfect for getting into those tiny, hard to reach spots.

 Another benefit from using the rubber scrubbers is that it knocks down the bumps in your clay fast!!  There is no hard sanding and no abrasiveness to your hands like with sandpaper.  Rubber scrubbers are my little miracle workers.  I know a lot of people out there who absolutely dislike sanding ... I love sanding with rubber scrubbers and you will too!  I wouldn't be without them.

Now, as you go looking for these be aware of imitations.  3M puts out a product called sanding sponges.  These are not what you are looking for.  Look for rubber scrubbers and I promise you will be so happy you did!

Thanks for stopping by and viewing my December tip.  I will be back later this month with another tutorial!

Until then ... take care!  LeeAnn (


  1. Great tip LeeAnn... For the projects that I do with Paperclay, I have been using sandpaper. The stiffness drives me nuts and the edges can do more damage to a surface than good. I am definitely going to try these out. Thanks so much for the tip! :)

  2. Hi Brenda! Good to hear from you. Yes!! Try these out. You'll love them and so will your hands. Merry Christmas to you! LeeAnn

  3. Thank you LeeAnn for this wonderful tip!

    1. You're welcome Kitty. You'll love these for paperclay. They are fantastic. LeeAnn

  4. wonderful new tip thank you so much!!!

  5. Another great tip as usual LeeAnn! You truly are a wonderful person and amazing sculptor!!! Have a wonderful and joyous holiday, and Merry Christmas friend :)

    Much love
    ~ Michelle ~

  6. Hi LeeAnn :)
    What a great new tip!

    It's always a happy day in the studio when you find new and easier ways to sand your sculpts.
    I am very anxious to try the rubber scrubbers and I'm going to order some this week :)
    Thanks so much,

  7. I hope you all give these a try. (Diane, I know you will love them!) Happy to share with you all. LeeAnn

  8. In my early 20's, I started making porcelain dolls and was introduced to rubber scrubbers. Rubber scrubbers are these great little sanders with grit on one side and sponge on the other.
    Chemical filtration
