
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Crown Me

It seemed like a good day to make a crown Everyone calls me the Queen (of Glue) and it was also a rainy day and I had time on my hands.

Supply List

Creative Paperclay®
Acrylic paint
Mark making tools
I started by rolling out my clay. I use playing cards to get an even height when rolling. I used a knife to cut out the crown's points then made my marks in the clay.
The next step was to shape it over a tapered glass covered in plastic wrap. As soon as it set up a little I bent the tips of the crown outward then I let it dry thoroughly. The plastic wrap made it super easy to slide off the glass.
Last was to paint it, add embellishments and a little glitter. As I am writing this I am thinking of all the alternatives I could do to the design plus all the things I could do with crowns.

Don't you just love where art and your imagination can take you?

— Darlene Olivia McElroy


  1. That's a cool crown. Like the colours you have done on it. Now you need to make one that fits yourself for when you are gluing!! haha

  2. Two of my favorite things. Crowns and doll heads. :)
