My tip is to let you know that making a bit of extra clay could save you a lot of trouble later on in the project. Every time I color clay I make a little extra and store it in an airtight container. I also write the "formula" for my mixtures down, but in truth, the odds of getting an EXACT match after the clay has dried is, save a bit, and if during the drying process your project cracks or you notice an area that needs a bit of touch-up, you'll be glad you did!
I like to use prescription bottles to store my extra mixtures in, they'll keep for quite a long time. In order to keep track of what's in the bottle, I take a bit of the clay and press it onto the top of the bottle. If I end up with lots of bottles of extra clay, I'll sometimes mix them together for a project that I'm going to paint - or, come up with a project that uses the colors I've got!
Thanks for visiting the blog, I hope you find this tip useful in your own artistic endeavors.
I'd love for you to join me for more projects & art adventures on my personal blog
Great ideas, Tori...and well-expressed.