
Monday, April 27, 2015

Tip Day!

Hi all, this is Donna from Memes Art Place and I am glad you stopped by!

Remember my last post with the cute little birds?

Well the pictures had some great tips in them. Let's review!

 I save all the Styrofoam packaging from anything. This makes the best stands for drying!
Best of all.......they are FREE!
 I use them for drying the paint also.
 Toothpicks.....they also are a good use while using Creative Paperclay®! I use them to let things dry. I use them to connect a head to a body. I use them to stuff hair into a small hole. I use them for a dot on a eye.
I have used this tray for two separate projects and I still have plenty of areas that I can still use!

Try to think outside of the box when needing tools. Sometimes we can make due with what we have on hand.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you find this tip helpful!


  1. Great tips. I love Green art making too!

  2. Hi Donna... Yes you are right.. Lets think outside the box. It's always funny when we can recycle something or use items in another way than they were intented to. And your tip today proves that. Great tip.. By the way !!! Thank you for sharing.
    Hugs from Monica... Spain
