
Friday, August 14, 2015

Making Minions

Hello!  Ann here today from the Creative Paperclay® Design Team and also from the blog at :  I have teenagers and although they are too grown up to enjoy watching animation and cartoons anymore (or so they say) they do agree with me that Minions are darn cute!  So, in my quest for some extra non-paid help and also some fun I decided to try my hand at making my very own Minion.  Maybe I'll even make a whole army!  Ha Ha Ha.

So here goes.  starting with a clump of Creative Paperclay® Modelling Material all you do is form and shape an egg shape.  If you do like I did and make it entirely out of this Modelling Material you will need to let it dry maybe for two days, as it is very thick.

Once dry, one or two coats (preferably) of yellow craft paint are painted on.  After that is dry, two coats of blue craft paint are added just at the bottom third with two straps and a bib part for the overalls.

After the paint has dried trace the outline of the blue overalls, added some details such as buttons and stitching with a fine tip black pen.

To make the eye and eye goggle I used a piece of black decorative tape, a dab of puffy paint, and one google eye.


Creative Paperclay® Modelling Material
Craft Acrylic paints: Yellow Daffodil, and Peacock Blue (DecoArt®)
Puffy Fabric Paint: Black (Dollar Tree)
Google eye (my stash)
Craft Chalkboard Tape: Black (Dollar Tree)
Black Micron Pigment Ink Pen (Sakura)

Thank you for stopping by.  For more ideas and how to's, just check out my blog at:

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh just lovely !!!! Fabulous minion !!!! I ´ll perhaps do one too jajajaja.. nice weekend, hugs, Caty
