
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Stencils & Creative PaperClay®: A Textured Time by Linda Hess

I recently took a trip to Durfort, France for a wonderful week of classes with the multi-talented Dayle Doroshow.
One of the things that we learned were bookmarking techniques.  We were given a list of materials and suggestions of what materials to bring.  I thought "Wouldn't Creative PaperClay® work beautifully on book pages?", so I tucked a package of it into my suitcase along with some textures and stencils.  I wasn't quite sure what I would do with it, but I had the feeling the possibilities would be wonderful!

Our first day there (of course) we all go unpacked and settled.  I mentioned to Dayle that I had Creative PaperClay® to share with everyone and she asked if I would give a demo.  Of course I said yes.  My demo day came after a couple of days of bookmaking and polymer clay techniques that we were able to blend together to create beautiful art.  I was excited to share how the PaperClay could work with the other techniques we learned.  Before the demo I gave everyone a sample, wrapped tightly in a plastic baggie (to keep it moist and workable).  I discovered that none of the ladies had ever used the material before, so my demo got them very excited!

First I showed them the easy stuff that can be done...molding and or simple sculpting.
I created a heart from a ball of clay.  I explained that after the PaperClay dries it is super lightweight and can be not only covered with polymer clay, but baked in the oven without problems.  I pressed some into an angel wing mold and pulled it out.  The amount of detail that is picked up by the clay is AMAZING!   OOOOOOO's & AAAAAAHH's were heard as the pieces were passed around.

Next I pulled out a small tray and put a bit of the clay onto it.  I added a little water and began to make a thin paste by mixing the 2 together.  Care must be taken when mixing...too much water and you have a drippy mess (a useable mess, but drippy nonetheless).  Too little and the paste will not spread properly.
I laid a texture stencil over a pre-cut piece of scrapbook paper and began to smear the paste in.
I tend to work quickly, but I showed how to smear back and forth and fill the areas with the paste.

I pointed out areas where the paste was a little thinner and others where it was thick.  When I finished filling the spaces, I removed the texture stencil and revealed the raised image it left behind
...more OOOOOOO's ensued.

I had an example of a page that had already dried.
It was passed around so everyone could see and feel the textured paper.  With the demo complete, everyone went back to their work stations and began to experiment.  The following photos are how I used my pages in a book along with vintage postcards from France.  I was VERY pleased with the results.

Until next time: Happy claying!

1 comment:

  1. It was so much fun using the paper clay in France. I had never used the product before. Just bought a pack at Michael's a few days ago. Thanks Linda for showing us the different techniques we could use with the paper clay.
