
Friday, October 16, 2015

Eyeballs In a Bottle

Chloe is really getting into Halloween this year. She started putting out decorations in the middle of September!! We've been making lots of little things that will be a part of our Halloween apothecary's curiosity box. Filling tiny bottles and jars with all sorts of spooky things. But, the eyeballs in a bottle have to be one of our favorites.

We started by making lots of small balls of Creative Paperclay®. I put a pin in each one to facilitate handling later in the process. Then, they were set aside to dry for a day.

When they were dry, we coated them with PPA, an acrylic medium, to seal the clay.

Next, was the addition of the veins and optic nerve. We cut small lengths of red yarn and frayed the ends until we had "veins."

Another layer of PPA on the eyeball as an adhesive for the yarn. This is where that pin comes in really handy.

When the veins were dry, it was time to add the iris. I printed out a whole sheet of irises using the print-and-cut feature in Make-the-Cut, then used my Zing to cut them out. These were also glued on with PPA.

The final touch was to add a drop of PPA right on top of the iris.

I layered paperclay eyeballs and clear resin in my bottle, letting each layer set up before added the next, so it looked as though the eyeballs were floating. 

We have two great events coming your way. Mark your calendars for our blog hop and our link up party!!
 Halloween Link Up!!

Happy Hauntings!!



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1 comment:

  1. This is really very creepy and cool at the same time. I'm going to try this.
