
Monday, January 28, 2019

Valentine's and Snowmen do go together!

I love to make snowmen and I love to make Valentines. This project just seemed to put them together quite nicely.

Supplies Needed For This Project:

Styrofoam balls and round circle
Plaid Paint - Folk Art Multi-Surface/Ocean View
Plaid Paint- Folk Art Color Shift/Red Flash
Gesso- White
Ribbon - I used a small piece that was ruffled with pearls in it
Pipe Cleaner - I used a metallic red one
Clay embossing plate
Terri Sproul Ultra Fine Glitter
Plastic Coated Freezer Paper
Super Glue

These are a few of the items that I used for this project. I decided against the wire and used the wooden skewers instead. I didn't want his arms or legs to collapse. The paints weren't all used either, I used the red and also the blue. I went over the red that I used on his cheeks with the Plaid Folk Art Color Shift Red Flash because I thought the Red was too bright. The Plaid Folk Art Color Shift- Red Flash was used in all the other places that you see Red.

I began with the top part of the snowman and after connecting the two balls together with the skewer and Super Glue, his arms and legs were also created using the skewers and Super Glue. Here's where the fun began as the body and arms were covered with Creative Paperclay. The face was formed as was his hat. The arms were covered with the Creative Paperclay also and the snowman was left to dry overnight. I did have a space heater and a fan on it overnight also.

Once the top half was dry the bottom was detached at the legs and they were glued thoroughly and put back together again. The bottom styrofoam circle was covered with Creative Paperclay as was the snowman's legs. The hearts were created by rolling out the Creative Paperclay using an embossing plate and pressing it into the clay and then using a heart shaped clay cutter (like a cookie cutter) to cut all of the hearts out. They were placed around the bottom and then glued in place with the Super Glue. Then the snowman was left overnight in the same situation as before to dry.

Once the clay was dry the next day the finishing touches were put on. The piece was gessoed, the hearts were painted with the Plaid Folk Art Color Shift - Red Flash, the shoes and hat had the Plaid Folk Art Multi- Surface Paint/Ocean View used on them. I then used the Plaid Mod Podge-Glossy and spread it on the snowman and sprinkled the Terri Sproul Ultra Fine Glitter on it, worked great. The pipe cleaner was glued around the bottom of the hat and the ribbon with the pearls were glued around his neck. This piece turned out so awesome! And it was a lot of fun. I now have another piece to decorate with for Valentine's Day. The picture really doesn't do the snowman justice when it comes to the glitter as it really really glitters! I hope you'll give Creative Paperclay a try or the Delight Clay cause I think you'll be so happy with how easy they are to work with and the amazing things that you can create with these awesome clays.


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