
Monday, July 29, 2019

Want to make a whimsical Owl ?

Supplies needed with this project:

Small Cannonball Gourd
Paint Brushes
Container with water
Plaid Paint - White, Purple Flash/Color shift, Moon Yellow,
Wild Iris, Ocean View, and Gentle Violet

Assemble materials that you have and choose which ones you would like to use. I chose the small Cannonball Gourd that you see in the background. You get a general idea of the size by looking at it and the cup.

Start by making all of the extra pieces of clay that you will need to assemble your owl. The points on the owl's head were attached to start with and also the beak.

The thicker the Paperclay, the longer it will take to dry. These Paperclay pieces took two days. I used the wooden dowel that you see in the picture to roll out the Paperclay, like you would a pie crust. In this case the clay was rolled approximately 1/4" thick. The points on the head and the nose were sculpted free hand and the eyes were cut out with metal circles, much like cookie cutters. You can purchase them where you find clay. I used the clay tool in the picture to make the markings and holes.

I chose several different colors of Plaid Paint . The body of the Owl was painted with Purple Flash-Color Shift paint. The rest of the owl was painted in the other colors of regular acrylic Plaid Paint in: White, Moon Yellow, Wild Iris, Ocean View, and Gentle Violet.

After everything was painted, the eyes and feet were attached with glue. Not all sculptured pieces have to be precisely like the original, live animal. I love whimsy and loved making this cute owl. I think you would too. If you're not a gourd artist and have them laying around, I'm sure you can find another ball to create your whimsical Owl with. Play with your Creative Paperclay and see just how much fun it can be! 

Please leave me a comment as I do read them.
