
Friday, February 14, 2020

Second Friday Tutorial -Mushrooms and Butterfly Kisses

Hi everyone, it's Susie Krichbaum from Art by Susie K and it's Second Friday Tutorial Time!

I love to upcycle items and turn them into art.  I pick up things from thrift stores and probable save way too many bottles and jars.  Today's tutorial is created by recycling a bottle, tin foil and cardboard

I hope you enjoy this little mushroom fairy home and add you own details and colors.  Nature is full of amazing color themes so don't be afraid to have fun with it.  

bottle - I used a Pierre bottle because I like the shape and color
Card board
Tin foil
masking tape
18g wire (good weight yet easy to bend)
 Creative Paperclay®
basic clay tools, or other tools that make textures
shape cutters (optional)
small razor knife
Gesso (optional)
acrylic paints
paint brushes
string of mini lights / I bought wine cork string lights on Amazon.  


Start building the armature and get an idea of the shape you are wanting.  Card board, tin foil and wire held strong with masking tape.  

Bulk out the structure with tin foil and cover with making tape.   
For the mushroom that sticks out to the side I re-enforced with wire and plenty of foil.  

Cut out the area that you want to represent windows and have a little light peeping out.  Now your armature is ready for clay.

Adding Clay:

Start rolling out some clay and build up the walls of the structure first.  Adding texture as you go so the clay won't be too dry.  Run a pin or other sharp tool down the clay to create mushroom stem texture.

Have fun with adding rocks 

Add texture around the windows on the back as well

For the mushroom caps I went all smooth and other added texture on the bottom side.  Texture in the form of shingles/ flower petals with cover the caps as you move along.  

To create the petals / shingles to the house:
I have this handy little shape cutter, but you can create a shape with cardboard and press that onto the clay and cut out.  Or simply form a shape with your fingers.

Start on the outer edge when layering the shingles/petals
Add texture while the clay is still wet.

Larger shingles for the main mushroom
Layer and texturize

This is where I found that cork was way to visible and needed a little cover. Started to form a foil cone to fit

Created a little cap over the cone with some light card board (file folder).  covered in tape to keep the moisture of the clay from distorting it as it dried.  I also added a generous piece of wire so I could create a stem.  

Fashion a couple of leaves from wire, cover in foil and tape.  Bend the wire how you like to create a cute little flower cap

Underside of flower cap  

More petals for the flower cap

Add texture

I decided the main roof look too plain so I added flowers and more texture

Stand back and take a look.  Make sure it isn't too heavy on one side and wants to tip.   You can always weight the bottle with rice or beans

Texture and more texture
I thought the butterfly was a good touch, totally optional

Painting Time:
        grab a bunch of fun colors and some gesso.

After the gesso has dried, start by adding a light layer of your base color.  This will change in saturation as you blend, shade and add other colors.  

Here I am shading under each petal and making sure the texture lines have the darker shade sinking in.

FB and IG: @artbysusiek and @artbysusiek4home
WEBSITE: sign up for my Creative Breakfast Club 🎨

1 comment:

  1. Susie, This is so cool! I love fairy hoses! Yours is super awesome!
