
Friday, May 22, 2020

How to Create a Wall Plate Sculpture

wall plate sculpture

Hello everyone Cinnamon here, I am hoping that you all are home safe and sound. I've been doing some home improvement projects since the quarantine, so I decided to work on a wood wall plate cover that I brought some time ago. I will walk you through the steps that I took to create this project.

Supplies: Creative Paperclay®, unfinished wood base switch plate cover, 
Pencil, Sand paper, Acrylic paint, Sealer, Varnish

I started out my design by sketching out my idea directly onto the plate with a pencil.
I went with the robot that I created in a previous tutorial out of a vinyl toy. He was inspired by a toy that I had as a child.

Creative Paperclay does well with adhering to porous surfaces such as wood. In the
photos above, I am painting water onto the areas that I want to stick clay to. I dabbed
a drop of water onto the clay as well and mashed small pieces to the damp surface of
the plate until they were held securely. I shaped the clay as much as I could in this 
damp state with my clay knife and continued to fill out the sketch.

 After you are done building up the clay and shaping it, sit it aside 
and allow it to dry which would be roughly 24 hours. You can always
come back and add more clay by using water as I did above.

When the piece dries and no longer needs clay to be added
to it, sand it down to smooth out the rough edges. I am using
an 800 grit piece of sandpaper to get it nice and smooth. 

The great thing about paperclay is that you can draw on it. Here
I am mapping out some details from the robot to be painted later.

I am used acrylic paint to finish up the piece. I find
it easier to work on the background first and then 
work my way up to painting the smaller details.

He looks a bit different from my first robot Alphie, 
but they at least look like they can be related. I have a
hard time painting small letters so I left them out this time.

Here is the plate out in the wild. Thanks for following! 

*****Stay Safe, be well and take care!*****

You can find Creative Paperclay® at the following retailers

See more of my work at and 
be sure to catch updates on my Instagram page!

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