
Friday, November 22, 2019

Holiday Gnome

Holiday Gnome

This is a simple fun piece...
you can paint it whatever colors you like...makes a great Santa in reds

Supplies needed:

creative paperclay
paper mache Christmas tree cone
craft glue
rolling utensil
marking tool ( i use a needle or knife)
paint brushes
makeup sponge

I use DecoArt 


Hi-lite flsesh

Staining Antique Medium
Oak Gel Stain

You can adapt to any size

I cut a circle out of paper 

trace circle on cone

I then mark off a hat of sorts 

Gesso hat white and body black
really just helps me with placement

roll out paperclay about 1/8" thick

I trimmed it to clean up edges

added glue

Placed on the face

Rolled out more clay pieces
added glue and placed on the face

with a needle i added marking of hair lines

added more bits and a mustache 

Make a ball and glue above mustache
I used the end of paint brush to make nose holes but you can leave them off 

roll a 1/2" snake 

it will be glued above nose all the way around hat

I use a stiff brush to make fur texture on the snake

let dry

I gessoed the beard, nose and fur of hat
let dry

paint nose 

paint body

 i mix a dab of paint with the staining medium

Paint on beard

using a makeup sponge i dab white paint over the staining medium

using gel stain i shade hat and around the beard

I made a bow and added a bell to top of hat
hope you enjoy 

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