With your stylus or carving tool, free hand 1 vein up through the center of Petal
vertically. Be delicate and make only a gentle indentation in the Creative Paperclay®.
You want to draw on the Creative Paperclay®, not weaken it with a deep cut.
Carefully free hand diagonal veins from each side of the vertical center line. 3 or 4
on each side of the center vein are usually enough.
Spritz and cover with plastic bag and set aside.
Spiral Overlay
Using hands, roll a ball of Creative Paperclay® about the size of a half dollar,
into snake shape about 8”-10” long and ¼” thick.
Spray Creative Paperclay® snake with h20 and Coil into tight Circle.
The goal is to cover the Foundation Center and rough base edges of Petals, while making a flat spot for the votive to sit. Your snake may be too long,
so just use what you need to accomplish the above goal.
Place coil over foundation, (don’t press yet!), covering Pressed bottom of petals.
At this point you may want to place the Votive on the Spiral and check fit.
Make changes to spiral or piece as necessary.
Score and spray the bottom of the Spiral and bottom of Small Petals.
Press Spiral very gently to fuse, but carefully so Spiral remains intact.
Spray and smooth Spiral, Petals and Veins as needed. Spritz and cover
with plastic bag and set aside.
The final step is making Creative Paperclay® Berries in three different sizes
to cover your sins and to jack up the “cute factor!” There may be some trial
and error here to get sizes and look you like. Or better yet, skip my directions
and work up your own design!
With hands, roll out a tiny ball of Creative Paperclay® about the size of
the tip of your pinkie finger for the Largest Berries. This should fit the empty
space at the base of a Large Petal, between the overlapped Small Petals.
Check fit. DON’T PRESS! Adjust size as needed and make 5 more
of these (6 total). Spray, score surfaces and press firmly into position to adhere.
With hands, roll out a tiny ball of Creative Paperclay®, a bit smaller,
for Medium Berries. This should fit the empty space all along outside
edge of spiral and at the base of the smaller Petals.
Check fit. DON’T PRESS! Adjust size of Berries and make as many as need to go completely around Spiral. Spray, score surfaces and press
firmly into position to adhere.
With hands, roll out a tiny ball of Creative Paperclay®, even smaller, for Small Berries. This will sit above and centered between the 2 medium
berries and on smaller Petals.
Check fit. DON’T PRESS! Adjust size as needed and make as many as
needed to go completely around circumference of Smaller Petals, around
outside circumference of Medium Berries. Spray, score surfaces and press
into position to adhere.
Place LED Tea Light in center to check for fit. It should sit right on the Spiral,
inside the Berries. Gently move berries and make adjustments as needed.
Smooth over Creative Paperclay® that got roughed up.
Put back in Slump Mold (saucer) with plastic wrap. Spray the whole piece and cover lightly with plastic bag. Place somewhere safe with ventilation.
Be patient, don’t handle and let the piece dry completely on top.
After a couple of days you can gently turn it upside down, make a little bed for it to rest over, from a dry sponge or cloth. Place it gently, uncovered.
Be patient, don’t handle and let the piece dry completely on bottom.
During the drying process you may find that a couple of Berries have come loose. Just make up a bit of slip and reattach to Lantern. Fill any
cracks with slip and a brush.
Smooth very carefully in places that may need it with a tiny bit of H2O
and a very soft brush. Allow to dry again.
Below are different examples of ways to use Berries and Spirals for embellishment with the Creative Paperclay®. Go Crazy and have Fun!
Breathe. Would love to see photos of your work! Write me here on Face Book
with Questions or Comments. Thanks so much for spending some time with me.
Painting Tutorial coming in September! Until then…
You can find Creative Paperclay® at the following retailer’s:
Creative Paperclay® Online Store, Michael’s, Amazon, Joann's