Friday, October 4, 2013

Link Up Party

Join Our Link Up Party

Link up your Halloween Creative Paperclay®
Project up and be enter to win

If you are here to enter:
click the Link Up button and add your project

If you are here to check out the Project
VOTE for your favorite

If you are wanting to join our Design Team
you should have sent your bio to Terri Sproul and now just add your link to our link up.  

Winner of the Link Up party will be announced on 
Oct 12th, here on this blog

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Robin Panzer Art said...

Oh Wow those eyeballs by Rachel Wetzel are fabulous, love them!

Tristan Robin said...

So many fabulous projects - and such wonderful ideas!

But, I'm going to cast my vote for Barbara Rankin's outrageously detailed and meticulous vignette.

It was a tough choice! But her's stole my heart.

sassypackrat said...

A lot of fun and awesome creations. I really loved Rachel's witch's supplies.

Wendy said...

Wow these are all great, but I think i would vote for the pretty little witch.

Mrs Pretzel said...

So many great projects to choose from! I'm visiting them all now!

Unknown said...

So many great projects but I'm voting for Carmen, I Love vintage inspired Halloween Decor!

gottahavemoxie said...

I definitely love and vote for Terri Sproul's dress form. It's the most awesome thing! I want to make one.

Mrs Pretzel said...

I have to agree! My vote goes to Carmen as well... although I do *heart* Kimberly's as well... heheh... see what I did there? HEART...!? (but since the theme was Halloween, I'm going with Carmen. Final Answer.)

Shauna Henry said...

So many talented artists! I have to vote for Rachel Wetzel and her awesome eyeballs though!

Susan M. Brown {sbartist} said...

Love Rachel's wicked apothecary items and plate of spooky eyeballs... this is the epitome of Halloween!

Unknown said...

Honorable mentions to projects 1, 3 & 16 but my vote goes to #6 Rachel Whetzel's Witches Apothecary. I love the idea and she captured that idea perfectly. Loved it!!! Good job everyone!

BahamaDawn said...

SO many fabulous projects to choose from, but first let me say how silly I feel. I submitted a project to be considered for the design team and I wondered if that project was supposed to be halloween themed, but I read and re-read the submission guide lines and saw nothing that stated this. I thought that when I came to link up on Oct 5th there would be a different link up for submissions, there wasnt so I posted anyway. Really sorry to crash the Halloween party with a non-Halloween themed item. I LOVE Halloween but had no tutorial ready on Saturday for a Halloween themed piece.

It is really difficult to choose a favorite, but I am going to have to go with Nancy Malay's Pretty Witch for my vote.

Unknown said...

All great entries, but my vote has to go to LeeAnn Kress! I know her professionally and personally and she is a great artist, extremely creative, and all around wonderful person! Her execution is flawless…I know because I am an Artist who collects her work myself.
She is also a team player, not putting herself above anyone. I think you would love having her as a team member she as is educated, well spoken, and a dedicated worker.
Carly Smith of Boggy Bottom Bayou

Brenda said...

I have to back up Carly Smith with a second to the nomination of LeeAnn Kress and her delightful ghost Charlie. Her work is absolutely spook-tacular! Not only does her meticulous artistic talent make her an excellent choice for a team mate, but she also dedicates herself to opening the eyes of her readers to the beauty of creation with Paper Clay. Her work has inspired me to try this medium. Lovely piece as always LeeAnn!! :)

Lisa J. Ammerman said...

Such a talented group of entries, but I am casting my vote for LeeAnn Kress. She has a real passion for Creative Paperclay and she is a very creative and talented artist. The design team would benefit from her enthusiasm and spirit!
Lisa Ammerman of A Piece of Lisa

Flora said...

Decisions decisions , it's so hard to choose, but I gotta go with LeeAnn Kress her ghost is just too Booo-tiful!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Such wonderful creations! All the submissions are so imaginative but I think my vote goes to LeeAnn Kress adorable little ghost!

Leanne E said...

Love all the creative energy and wonderful pieces!! (Might have to try some Creative Paperclay myself if it can make things this great!) My vote is for Dianie Mac's sweet little Frankie :) Good luck to all of you!

The Rusty Thimble said...

I vote for LeeAnn Kress

Cozy Expressions said...

I dont have to think about this vote at all. Its easy.........LeeAnn Kress.......this gals talent is amazing! If I could vote 100 times, it would go to her!

Unknown said...

so many awesome entries but I am voting for LeeAnn Kress!

Melissa said...
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Unknown said...
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Melissa said...

I am just loving that little ghost! Adorable!!! My vote goes to LeeAnn Kress..

Sheila said...

Hard as it was to choose just one, LeeAnn Kress has my vote! Great talent here.

as the crow fly sprimitives said...

Love your creations!!!!

as the crow fly sprimitives said...

awesome creations!!!

Laura S Reading said...

Another vote for LeeAnn Kress please!

But so many wonderful choices!

ChristiH said...

I vote for LeeAnn's cute ghost!

Monday's Child Primitives said...

Voting for LeeAnn Kress please:) Love her creations!

The Mary Bell said...

I vote for LeeAnn! She is WAY talented!!!

Edna Bridges said...

#21 LeeAnn Kress - amazing talent!!

Jody Wakefield studio said...

I vote for LeeAnn Kress, her work is amazing!!!


Unknown said...

If I were Creative Paperclay my first choice would be LeeAnn Kress! LeeAnn is a fantastic artist.Her style, skill, and creativity are surpassed only by her ingenuity, and affinity for detail. I have to say if I were looking for someone to represent my product and company, there would be no better choice. Charismatic, humorous, and modest LeeAnn is a great person to work with. She always gives her best effort, and shuns the thought of doing anything less. A true representative of great artists.

Halloween Fanatic said...

Go Leann!!!

Barbara Rankin said...

Wow, what fabulous entries. Glad I am not having to do the choosing. Everyone did such a fabulous job.

pywackit said...

My vote goes to LeeAnn Kress. Love that spooky sweet ghost.

Art by Susie Krichbaum said...

Love it all, but I'm voting for LeeAnn Kress.

Anonymous said...

Voting for LeeAnn Kress. Love Charming Charlie's ruffly collar


Cyn said...

Great work everyone. My vote is for LeeAnn Kress!!

ButtonsInTheAttic said...

I have to cast my vote for LeeAnn! Love her ghost! LOVE LOVE LOVE him!

Pearce'sCraftShop said...

So many wonderful creations, but I'm casting my vote for the sweetest of all and that is LeeAnn Kress of Charmed Confections! Her work is fabulous!!!!!!!

Pearce'sCraftShop said...
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Carol Stuck said...

Every creation is amazing. Such talented artistry. I am casting my vote for number 21, Lee Ann Kress and her wonderful ghost.

Theresa said...

Wow!!! All these are hard to just pick one. I really like 21 the best by LeeAnn Kress. Wonderful job everyone!!!

Unknown said...

Voting for LeeAnn Kress' adorable ghost.

Foolish Notions Vintage said...

What wonderful enteries!
I am casting my vote for #21 LeeAnn Kress

dawnmercedes said...

My vote is getting cast to Brenda Young's Halloween parade sticks...#16. What a hard choice!!

Mixed Media/ Altered Crafts said...

Some beautiful creations! My vote is for LeeAnn Kress! Her Charming Charlie ghost is spectacular!